Intersections are the places where the direction of vehicles intersect,with many conflict points from all sides.
It's essential to know how to handle them. Many accidents happen in cities/highways at intersections.
Most of the risk is eliminated by using signals,but there are uncontrolled intersections at many places in cities and highways,which require skill and practice to cross safely.
To cross them safely we need to identify gaps that allow us to pass through them, without an accident.
A defensive driver looks for safe gaps which allows him/her to cross the intersection without letting other drivers brake or swerve or take an evasive action. This comes by practice and we need to increase our observation skills to find safe gaps.
At uncontrolled intersections, we will either take :
1. left turn
2. right turn
3. straight
4. U turn
All 4 moves require different amounts of time required for safe movement.
Let's study the situations.
Left Turn :
The left turn is less complex but we need to give way to pedestrians. Once we complete the turn,we should move at the same speed of traffic behind or they have to brake or change lanes. So,we need at least 6 seconds of time for completing the turn and acceleration.
Right Turn :
In the right turn, we have to cross 2 lanes on opposite sides so we need to be more attentive and need more time. We need at least 10-12 seconds to safely make a right turn. In cities,you may get away with less impact but on highways,there is no second chance.
How to estimate the time ?
Go to a busy intersection,park the car somewhere and observe vehicles from a distance. See how much distance they covered in 6-12 seconds to find out,how far they were. Now, you will have an estimated distance. At higher speeds, increase time required.
Finding gaps is an essential skill and defensive drivers must practice good observation skills.
Give extra time for yourself if required and it's totally worth it.
Reaching destination safely is more important than losing a few seconds at the intersection.