This is any driver's nightmare as tyres are the only contact for a car with the road. However,we can reduce the chances of Tyre bursts by following these steps.
Important Step - "Do not Panic and apply hard brakes"
Underinflated tyres are the most common cause of tyre bursts.
Keep checking tyre pressure often,even if the car is parked at home for long.
If a car had TPMS, it makes life easy.
Always check tyre pressure,when the tyres are cold at home.
Avoid hitting potholes hard
Drive at normal speeds. Imagine a tyre burst on a rainy day.
Keep visually checking your tyres for bulges etc, sometimes a small bulge if detected early,can prevent a bursts later.
Never overload your car.
High speed+underinflated tyre --> Risk
Now,how to stop safely:
1. Keep that vehicle straight by holding steering steadily.
2. Reduce speed using engine braking and slowly move to left
3. If you drive an SUV,there's a risk of rollover,so be aware of the risks
Extra Notes:
1. Cement roads can make tyres hotter, so drive carefully.
2. Keep your spare tyre ready always.
3. Take breaks every few hours, visually inspect tyres then.
4. Don't drive next to trucks for long,if their tyre bursts,they may hit us
5. Don't panic
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